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We require customers to understand and sign a rental agreement form before renting with us. The terms are as follows:

1. I accept for use AS IS the equipment listed on this form, and accept full responsibility for the care of the equipment while the equipment is in my possession.
2. I will be responsible for the replacement at full retail value of any equipment rented under this agreement form, but not returned to BYU Outdoors Unlimited.
3. Should an item be lost, damaged or damaged beyond repair, I will be required to pay the current repair charge or retail price for the item or replace it with the same quality, make, and model, in addition to paying any rent due up to the time BYU Outdoors Unlimited was notified of the problem, to BYU Outdoors Unlimited's satisfaction.
4. I agree to reimburse and hold harmless BYU Outdoors Unlimited for any loss or damage of any kind, other than reasonable wear and tear, which results from the use of this equipment.
5. I agree to return all the rental equipment by the agreed date and time in clean condition to avoid any additional charge.
6. I agree to take all care and caution to ensure that this equipment is protected from salt, ice, dirt, extreme temperatures, road grime, etc., while being transported to, from, and between destinations.
7. I understand that there are inherent and other risks involved in the use for which this equipment is designed, and that injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence of such use, and I freely assume those risks.
8. I hereby forever release and indemnify BYU, BYU Outdoors Unlimited, its officers, agents, employees, and representatives (BYU Outdoors Unlimited) for any and all liability or responsibility for damages or injuries to myself or to any personal property resulting from the use of this equipment, accepting myself the full responsibility for any and all such damage or injury which may result, regardless of whether or not such injuries or damages are caused by the NEGLIGENCE of BYU Outdoors Unlimited.
9. Instructions for use and care of the rental equipment have been made clear to me, and I understand the function of the equipment.
10. The renter is responsible for checking each item he/she rents to be sure all items are accounted for.
11. To avoid charges for missing or damaged items, any questions about completeness or condition of equipment should be brought to the attendant's attention BEFORE taking rental items from BYU Outdoors Unlimited.
12. For overnight rentals, the renter will be allowed one hour following the time he receives the equipment to report previously unnoticed problem(s).
13. A minimum $10.00 cleaning fee ($20.00 for giant twister boards) will be charged for each item returned wet and/or dirty.